User Profile - paparupa

Username paparupa
ID 194545268
Level User (100)
Points 8624 (Rank 20458)
Messages sent 48260 (Rank 421)
Last seen 2024-02-20 19:15:11.003936+00:00
Last active in chat 2024-02-20 19:14:00.147028+00:00
Time spent watching the stream 16 days and 4 hours
Time spent in offline chat 23 hours and 30 minutes
Permabanned on admiralbullbot No

Duel stats

Duels Total 6
Duels Won 0
Duels Lost 6
Winrate 0.0%
Profit from duels -7792 points
Last duel 2023-08-04 07:52:29.928696+00:00
Current Lose Streak 6

Roulette stats

Total points rouletted for 53158
Roulettes amount 26
Profit -42100
Winrate 46.15%
Biggest winstreak 3
Biggest losestreak 4
Biggest win 1147
Biggest loss -20590

Roulette history

Time Diff
2023-07-27 12:24:35.980704+00:00 -814
2023-07-14 08:55:03.904382+00:00 -510
2023-07-13 06:57:58.549663+00:00 -410
2023-07-12 09:28:51.502667+00:00 500
2023-07-03 10:15:57.977420+00:00 -4110
2023-06-21 10:35:38.280506+00:00 37
2021-09-25 11:57:03.437333+00:00 -676
2021-08-21 09:25:51.368133+00:00 -4066
2021-08-11 13:33:53.187524+00:00 1147
2021-06-02 16:08:45.333528+00:00 900
2021-03-13 15:16:43.832453+00:00 180
2021-02-10 10:23:57.416042+00:00 -20590
2020-12-13 12:11:25.935430+00:00 3
2020-12-07 10:34:49.372711+00:00 900
2020-11-13 14:50:47.128749+00:00 -7609
2020-11-13 14:49:57.055470+00:00 -2000
2020-10-29 14:32:30.336011+00:00 -2
2020-10-29 12:15:09.579177+00:00 -20
2020-10-28 13:58:36.511422+00:00 38
2020-10-28 13:07:00.441814+00:00 19
2020-10-26 13:15:30.297977+00:00 -4722
2020-10-26 09:23:39.366338+00:00 -2000
2020-10-24 12:51:07.217812+00:00 900
2020-10-24 12:47:22.650966+00:00 900
2020-10-08 09:11:27.760571+00:00 5
2020-09-26 07:54:04.604280+00:00 -100